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Brocken spectre
Brocken spectre
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Iceland, Greenland & the Faroe Islands

I have always liked spectacular astronomical and weather phenomena.

After travelling to Iceland and seeing the Northern lights there on several occasions, I became interested in this spectacular phenomenon which I have also occasionally seen in Scotland, particularly on 29 October 2003. There are several excellent sites which give help and information about the chances of seeing it in the UK.

AuroraWatchUK is a particularly useful site, being based in the UK and including links to other sites with useful information.

The Auroral Activity Observation Network includes current world-wide sightings of auroras and these have included reports from the UK. You can try having a look at the live site in Finland, or the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska.

Two astronomical sites that I particularly like are Heavens Above, which can be set to show astronomical information, including sky charts, for your precise locality, and The Moon's Phase, which gives just that for any date you choose

Strange ice formations