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Hazard the Hedgehog

Hazard the hedgehog arrived on Thursday 18th July, 2002.
He was a half-grown orphan, but quite able to look after himself.


Click on his picture to see him bigger.

Or here to see a little movie

We put him in a cardboard box with some dried grass cuttings.
I offered him a piece of bread. He was very hungry.

Yes, very nice! Munch, munch, munch.

We didn't give him any milk because it isn't good for hedgehogs.

Fred offered him some pieces of apple.

Very nice too! Crunch, crunch.

How about a few earthworms?

Even better! Scrunch, scrunch, scrunch.

And a slug... very nice too... and a cranefly larva..

Soon he was snapping so hard at whatever was offered that I was afraid he might bite me by mistake.

Then he made a little nest in the grass cuttings and went to sleep.

When it got dark, we carried him outside in his little nest and put him under some more grass cuttings by our compost heap. He didn't stir.

The next afternoon, about 4 o'clock, I saw him wandering round the garden. I gave him some cat food. He liked that too.

The day after, he returned at lunchtime and again quite late at night. Since then we have seen him every night except 30th July which had been a very wet day. He hasn't been back in the daytime though.

One night he was very interested in walking all round my feet. I think he wasn't sure what my Wellingtons were.

We hope he will help to reduce the slug population in our garden.

Hedgehog closeup

For more information about hedgehogs, please look at the website of the
British Hedgehog Preservation Society.

21st July, 11pm
21st July

23rd July, 10:30pm
23rd July

26th July, 10:30pm
26th July

26th July, 10:30pm
26th July

27th July, baby blackbird steals the food
27th July

2nd August, 10:00pm
2nd August

26th August, 9:15pm
26th August

On 14th April 2004 I met a fullgrown hedgehog in the garden.
Do you think this might be Hazard?

14th April 2004

I saw him again on 27th June