The Spotties

The Spotties first appeared on 26th May, 2002. They are very shy and usually run away if I open the door. Mr Spotty has a large spot on the left side of his head. Mrs Spotty is very large. They mostly come in the middle of the night. Unfortunately they often meet Mr and Mrs Verynervous, and the two drakes are deadly enemies. They attack each other fiercely while the females quack loudly. I sometimes have to go out and separate them. Otherwise nobody would get any sleep.

Mr and Mrs Spotty 2002
Mr and Mrs Spotty 2002

We think they have re-appeared in 2003.

Mr and Mrs Spotty 2003
Mr and Mrs Spotty 2003

These two certainly look like them, though the drake has no spot. They are just as shy, and the drake is very aggressive towards other drakes. I had to take this picture through the window. They would have run away if I had opened the door.